Our dream

We wish to provide a selection of materials and toys inspired by the Montessori philosophy. Making this journey a lot easier for the parents that seek the best education for their children.

0 - 3 months

0 - 3 months

Here is a list of materials and toys that are a good... 

6-12 months

6-12 months

Take a lot into our 6 to 12 months collection. ”He [the... 

Our story

Becoming Momtessori started just as a simple idea, to share what I have learn while guiding my child with the Montessori philosophy. There is so much information out there and some times I felt lost. I want other parents to succeed and enjoy this journey together with their child, so I decided to make it easier for you and created this store where you can find materials and toys that align with the beliefs of Dr. Maria Montessori.